There are shocking and life-threatening discoveries you will make and shocking experiences you will face which you never anticipated will ever happen to you in ministry, most of which we never know about before we enter ministry or leadership but will come across them through the length, breadth, depth, and height of ministry.
There are certain things God never tells you until you are in the heat of ministry, hence Jesus counsel about 'learn of me I.e. give yourself to conscious continuous learning.' For instance God never told Moses about the Red Sea when he called him, or Paul about the stripes, the shipwreck or Daniel and the three Hebrew boys about the lions den or furnace of fire or David about the envy and jealous javelin attack from king Saul, etc. It is therefore necessary, crucial and essential that you build powerful 'Guantanamo bay' defence systems and mechanisms to know, handle, build capacity and overcome them before they take you out. I recommend this book to every leader, minister, pastor and potential leader, minister, CEO and anyone in or aspiring for leadership.
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